August 19, 2013
I love training not because I am a trainer but because we have the opportunity to study the 12 week program again. My trainer like rushed through it and I really don’t think I got all I could have got out of it so I am really trying to help my comp and I learn the program and apply the principles. I love living with other sisters it is so great!
but in a loving way and he realized that he can change. Then his 2 sons came out and I did the same with them and Sunday Roberto came to church and so did one of his sons that had declined my offer earlier. I wanted to cry for joy to see these two in the church again the son said it was like a new beginning or like coming home. I know that I need to be here for a reason because there are people here that the Lord wants me to talk to and I love that I have the chance to be a missionary and that the spirit is our constant guide cause half the time the words I say are not my thoughts, but the Holy Ghost is speaking through me.
Another miracle that happened is that we went to visit Ruben Friday. We were just expecting to see him but Amada was there and she listened to lesson 2 and Hermana Lamartine came and she helped me teach so much and was a vital role in the lesson. It went really well and Ruben said that Amada is reading the pamphlet we gave her and we are going to teach her again. I am so excited and now I hope that Amada can accept the gospel cause she is so great and I just love her!
This is Hermana Leishman's cool Quote Wall |
I want to share some points I learned about at the trainers meeting I went to this week:
1. The spirit is everything. I have seen that this week where I didn’t know what to say but the spirit did and if I just open my mouth I will find the words to say.
2. Pride ruins. If I am prideful I cannot be a good mom to my trainie and this life is all about learning to be humble.
3. Correct with questions. When we need to correct our companions we can ask them questions that allow them to look inward and evaluate themselves and find what they need to fix and most importantly be humble and receive correction yourself.
4. Is love behind all my actions? This question is a question I should ask myself always to help me focus on the love of our Savior and how I am here to help others and it’s not about me.
So this week at church my Abuela told me that she had found my blog but she can’t read it cause it’s in English so I am going to be writing a little bit in Spanish so that she can read my blog too.
Mi abuela Silva! eso es para usted para que usted puede leer mis cartas tambien. disculpe para mi espanol es mas dificil a escribir pero ojala usted puede entender. esta semena era buenisimo. mi nueva companera es buenisimo pero extrano hermana rivera y usted pero un lunes necesitamos visitar usted porque usted es mi abuelo. este semana tuvemos la oportunidad a ensenar muchas personas y aprendi que el espiritu santo es super importante. supe eso pero mi testimonio crecio mucho despeus este experiencia. estuvemos en una leccion y nuestra investigator nos pregunto una pregunta muy dificil pero el espiritu sant me ayudo para contestarle y toda era bien en el final. Se que esta inglesia es verdadera. Le quiero mucho
Hermana Jennings
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